1-2-3 Method

During a power outage or other natural event and you’d like to talk with someone use the following method;

1 (Turn your radio on and set it to assigned Channel 16)

2 (Attempt to broadcast for approximately 2 minutes)

3 (Attempt again every 1 HOUR, on the hour, to save batteries)

Radio type…GMRS and FRS

Priority Frequency - 462.575 MHz Channel 16

Secondary Frequency - 462.6125 MHz Channel 3

In an emergency where you aren’t able t to call 9-1-1 use the following:

1 (Turn your radio on set it to assigned Channel 16)

2 (State your call sign and say “I have an emergency”)

3 (Repeat step 2 again if no response, every 3-5 minutes)


Helpful Tips for Using Your Radio

1. Charge Radio

2. Listen to your radio to insure the channel is not active.

3. Identify yourself...with call sign provided

4. Speak clearly when transmitting to others 

5. Keep radio communication short and simple

6. Be Patient and most importantly stay CALM


Radio Phrase Substitute

Many words sound like other words, a list of terminology that is clearer has been established among radio operators over time. Consider using these words or phrases instead of what you might normally say to be more easily understood.


NEGATIVE ...  Nope, no

THAT IS CORRECT ... Yup, yes

AFFIRMATIVE ... Yup, confirm

ROGER ...Yup, yes

ACKNOWLEDGE ... Eh? Did you understand?

SAY AGAIN ... Huh? Repeat?

GO AHEAD ... Yeah, what? I’m listening.

CORRECTION ... Oops... Wait, no.

DO YOU READ? ... Are you there? Please reply

STAND BY ... Wait a sec...Busy

WILCO ... Okey dokey, understood

OUT ... Goodbye, ok done

OVER ... Ok? Sound good?

CHECK ... Got it, understood

CONFIRM ... Is that right?

Frequently asked Questions